February 19th 2019 Dinner Meeting – Becky Bennett WDFW Law Enforcement Outreach
February 19, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm PST
| $35.00- This event has passed.
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Becky Bennett WDFW Law Enforcement
Becky will be speaking on enforcement challenges which are currently faced by WDFW.
WDFW Police wishes to form an open line of communication to identify existing and potential problems facing our natural resources and the communities that are impacted by them. This allows for constructive problem solving and discussion, to achieve positive results for forward progress.
We are calling that opportunity a Shared Values Alliance. This alliance forms an open line of communication to identify existing and potential problems facing our natural resources and the communities that are impacted by them. This open communication line allows for constructive problem solving and discussion, to achieve positive results for forward progress. This project-oriented approach ensures that Fish and Wildlife Police Officers and the Agency are connected with changing public and resource-based industries’ values and needs. We welcome the opportunity to engage with local chapters to provide awareness, listen to your ideas, and encourage active participation within this statewide conservation endeavor.
Becky Bennett serves as the community outreach liaison for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police. Her goal is to establish a sustained foundation of shared values from which to mobilize grassroots action related to awareness, advocacy, and education. Becky has been with the agency for two years now in which she continues to share the story of WDFW Police as well as real life events and struggles that officers face across the State. She has held several community outreach positions in the past, focused on both agriculture and natural resources in Oregon, California, and Michigan.
James Schmidt will be tying flies for our enjoyment and learning.
Please note that prepaid dinner credit card payments sign-ups are preferred in that it will give you the express “Grab and Go Dinner Ticket” check-in capability, greatly reduces the Ghillie’s dinner meeting administration work and also helps minimize WFFC credit card processing fees.
Who's Attending
41 people are attending February 19th 2019 Dinner Meeting – Becky Bennett WDFW Law Enforcement Outreach
41 people are attending February 19th 2019 Dinner Meeting – Becky Bennett WDFW Law Enforcement Outreach