Our Committment
Out of a shared commitment to healthy fisheries, a group of men in 1939 founded the Washington Fly Fishing Club. Today, 70 years later, that commitment remains strong and finds expression in the WFFC's support of better fisheries science, promotion of sound regulatory policy, and hands-on habitat work.
For over a decade, The Washington Fly Fish Club has funded graduate students who investigate riparian habitats, fisheries science, and the impact of climate changes on our wild fish. Previous recipients of our awards have published numerous manuscripts that are informing the conservation community. Supported students are now employed by NFMS, academia and private consulting firms. The Conservation Committee firmly believes that investment in our students is an investment in our future.
Any student engaged in research, which would potentially benefit the wild fish of the Pacific Northwest, is encouraged to contact Robert Thrope at [email protected] for further information about the funding cycle.
Both directly and through its support of other conservation organizations, the WFFC works to raise public awareness of the fisheries issues in Washington State. Better informed people, anglers or not, will make better choices.
Healthy waters support healthy fisheries. Those waters are attractive to many competing interests and the WFFC works to make sure the waters and the fisheries they support are well represented in policy deliberations and don’t suffer under the political pressure applied in the name of those competing interests.
The Washington Fly Fishing Club is active in the restoration and improvement of local fisheries. As designated stewards of Griffin Creek, a primary spawning tributary for Snohomish River salmon, the Club works with King County to both plan and implement a variety of riparian improvement projects.
IFFC Osprey Newsletter Conservation Activities
The Washington Fly Fishing Club has been granted assess to the International Fly Fishing Federation’s Osprey e-Newsletter Conservation Articles. To view the IFFC Conservation Activities, click on the following link: