October 20th Lake Hannan Outing
Lake Hannan Lake Hannan, WA, United StatesThis close in favorite is open to us and our friends Saturday only, at Lake Hannan from 8:00 to 4:00. We will have a hot lunch available around 12:30, so you’ll […]
This close in favorite is open to us and our friends Saturday only, at Lake Hannan from 8:00 to 4:00. We will have a hot lunch available around 12:30, so you’ll […]
Our annual celebration of the drizzle season! Finally! Normal Northwest weather! Chums are staging in the shallow estuaries, the resident coho are there for those who know where to cast, […]
The WFFC Fly Tier Roundtable meets the second Wednesday of each month (except for June, July, & August) on Mercer Island at the Evergreen Covenant Church from 7 PM - 9 […]
Greg Crumbaker will be profiling the members of the WFFC who were instrumental in the establishment of the club 79 years ago! Rich Gaspar will be demonstrating how to tie his favorite fly for all to learn its tying techniques. Please note that prepaid dinner credit card payments sign-ups are preferred in that it will […]
The WFFC Fly Tier Roundtable meets the second Wednesday of each month (except for June, July, & August) on Mercer Island at the Evergreen Covenant Church from 7 PM - 9 PM.
Sorry Y'all, the Christmas Dinner Seating is Sold Out and is closed for signups! As our annual and primary fundraiser, we count on your support of our club activities through attending and participating in the silent and live auctions and raffle selections. We also count on the generous support of members and businesses that donate […]
THE BEGINNING FLY TYING CLASS IS SOLD OUT! The Beginning Fly Tying Class is taught by members of the Washington Fly Fishing Club. You will learn to tie 15 Northwest […]
Bill Neal will make a presentation of numerous awards made in recognition of club members (or others) who have distinguished themselves through service to the club and the community. […]
Becky Bennett WDFW Law Enforcement Becky will be speaking on enforcement challenges which are currently faced by WDFW. WDFW Police wishes to form an open line of communication to identify […]
Ryan Fortier WDFW District 6 Fisheries Biologist Ryan will be highlighting current information about lakes and fishing possibilities in North Central Washington for this year. His presentation was a well received last year Note, the WFFC Fly Fishing Gear Sale and Swap meet has been moved to the April 16th Dinner Meeting. Chuck Ballard […]