November 17th, 2020 Zoom Meeting Speaker Skip Morris

Zoom Meeting Speaker

Skip Morris will be the November  17th zoom meeting's Speaker and will talk to us about lake fishing with dry flies. Skip Morris is among the most prolific fly-fishing and fly-tying […]

January 19th, 2021 Zoom Monthly Meeting and Speaker Sarah Cloud

Zoom Meeting Speaker

We will kick off this month's zoom meeting with a report on the Holiday Fundraiser Results and the 2020 WFFC Budget vs. Actuals end-of-year financials, then Sarah Cloud will talk to us about the Deschutes River Alliance and its mission. The Deschutes River Alliance is a science-based advocacy organization seeking collaborative solutions to basin-wide threats […]

February 16th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Speaker David Paul Williams

Zoom Meeting Speaker

David Paul Williams will be the February  16th zoom meeting's Speaker and will talk to us about Eastern Washington Bass Fly Fishing. David Paul Williams caught his first trout while Ike was President and still admires these lovely fish. Author of Fly Fishing for Western Smallmouth (Stackpole Books), he has written about trout, salmon, bass, […]

March 16th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Speaker Marlon Rampy

Zoom Meeting Speaker

Marlon Rampy will be the March 16th zoom meeting's Speaker and will talk to us about fly fishing the Williamson River in Oregon that offers up large native rainbow trout […]

May 18th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Speaker Ryan Smith

Zoom Meeting Speaker

Ryan Smith, of the Avid Anglers, will be the May 18th zoom meeting's Speaker and will talk to us about and where to fly fish in the Puget Sound. Ryan […]

June 15th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Speaker Heather Hodson

Zoom Meeting Speaker

Heather Hodson will be the June 15th zoom meeting's Speaker and will talk to us about DYI (Do It Yourself) fly fishing in Northern Idaho Rivers. Heather is the founder of United Women on the Fly. She is an expert at making anglers (especially women) feel comfortable and becoming a part of the fly-fishing community. Sometimes […]

July 20, 2021 Zoom Meeting Speaker Greg Shimek

Zoom Meeting Speaker

Greg Shimek will speak to us about the Coastal Cut Throat Commission's work on the preservation of sea run cutthroat in the Puget Sound. Greg is the leading voice for what has become the Coastal Cutthroat Coalition, which raises awareness of the cutthroat’s place in the Sound and raises funding for Losee’s research to understand […]